Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crystal River

She wakes up, finds herself floating on a river, filled with stars, dazzling, so shiny and glittering she can barely open her eyes. She realized that it's also filled with different forms of shapes, hexagons, pentagons, triangles, octagons, diamonds, squares, ovals, prisms and every other shapes you could possibly imagine. She has never seen anything like it, "this is the most beautiful scene I've ever seen..." she said to herself in awe. The surroundings are dark, contrasting the glow shining from the river around her. Not knowing where she's heading, she lets the tide bring her wherever it intends to stop by, not knowing what awaits at the end of the stream. "If it's heading towards hell, so be it..." she told herself, because it's so soothing and comfortable that it slowly puts her to sleep...

She wakes up not long after that, she looks around and realise that she's still in the ward room, without shining stars or any form of shapes, just cold, plain walls surrounding her. She sighs, relieved that it was a dream, but continued thinking about the wonderful scene she just saw.

My mother had this dream around the mid of January, her eyes were shining bright as I see her describing to me about the wonderful dream she had like a little girl explaining her experience of having the sweetest, most colorful Popsicle she has ever ate. She told me one night at the month of March when I was accompanying her in the hospital.

What the dream was about, I don't know, I just smiled while listening to her because she looks really happy. While illustrating her dream, I'm hoping that one day, I too will encounter the same dream she had experienced that night :)


Ren said...

Again, nice drawing and article :)

hope to have more fellows to check out here.
and start appreciate what they have now if they did not did that previously.

ivn said...

Was juggling between the name Crystal Lake and Crystal River, personally I like the sound of Crystal Lake, but my mom clearly state it as a river...

So river it is... :\

Cedric Ang said...

and you are back ..

Ren said...

ivan, do you know there a song name "River of Crystals"?
It's a beautiful song :)

check it out here


ivn said...

thanks Ren, that's a nice song :)